As a spiritual woman in this world I know it can be scary to admit you want MORE because god forbid we desire, right? You probably want:

• MORE moneysssss flowing in 💰

• MORE soul aligned relationships ❤️

• MORE clients 💎

• MORE self-trust 🦄

• MORE free time to play 🦋

• MORE joy everyday 🎨

• MORE confidence 💪

• MORE rest and regulation 

• MORE energy to take aligned action 🏃‍♀️

• MORE opportunities ✈️


And sometimes, we yearn for MORE so freaking intensely that we become entirely detached 💔 from the authentic truth within our souls about HOW to attain it and whether it's even acceptable to DESIRE MORE... (Let me assure you, it is absolutely okay and, in fact, incredibly beautiful – you have every right to want it and claim it, sweetie!)

So, we attempt everything external to us to "mAkE it WoRkkkkKkkk," as though there's something flawed within us... 😵‍💫 likeeee




👉 Over consuming courses, podcasts & self help books 📚 😬 fix fix fix!! Gotta figure it out so you finally feel safe, good, happy...

👉 Forcing mindset work while accidentally bypassing the need for deep somatic & inner child healing 🌈 

👉 Relying on frequent oracle card pulls to give the answers bc you’re too afraid to trust yourself & sit with the unknown 👁

👉 Accidentally falling into hustle / doing mode & burning out again and again and again 🔁

👉 Investing in another manifestation strategy clinging to the hope that you’re finally saved from the patterns keeping you stuck…. 😢


(i'm not yelling at you i'm just excited 🤪)

And, I've been there. Which is why I decided to create this program. For the women like me who are so fucking tired of not allowing themselves to have it all, to apply what they know, to have the sisterhood and support, and accountability that would finally allow them to RECEIVEEEE their biggest dreams/3d desires.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Does this sound familliar?

Some days you're vibing high, super inspired, full of energy, have 84739 ideas, and feel able to take tons of action towards your dreams & manifesting your desires 👉  then quickly followed by another burnout episode, anxiety, and hopelessness.

You want to fall in love with your life, to feel that passion, infinite possibility and spark of your life purpose 👉 and you want to do so while feeling calm, clear, and anchored in a dependable technology... vs. an up and down emotional roller coaster and exhausted mind. 🎢

You desire to consistently + sustainably manifest money (or whatever your current desire is, because sweetie you'll always have new levels of desire! ) 👉 Instead of constantly chasing the next manifestation guru technique and getting a quick result but can't repeat it or signing up for the next course with the next popular coach for the secret codes..... only to end up wondering “why doesn’t this work for me? What am I doing wrong? I can't do this anymore!!!” 😢

⇢ You desire to allow yourself to ATTRACT NOT CHASE and feel truly secure in the power of your energy field 👉 Instead of falling into hustle mode and over using the logical mind to force shit only leaving you burnt out and on the floor crying (you thought it was just you?!) 😅 🙋‍♀️


 ⇢ You want to truly celebrate of your successes, and regulate the nervous system enough to create MORE celebratory moments in your life. 👉 Instead of focusing on lack and not enoughness 

You want to learn trauma-sensitive approaches to quantum leaps, raising your vibration and changing limiting beliefs while prioritizing nervous system regulation 👉 rather than pushing your uniquely sensitive nervous system into methods that leave you feeling fried and just fucking over it all.

This is WHY I created this Cosmic Kundalini Course 🦋

▶ I've straddled two worlds as a deeply spiritual, emotionally sensitive woman, craving more joy, money, and ease in 3D life. 🌟💰

▶ For so long, I felt alone, torn between choosing one path or another. But here's the truth: we can be both. As starseed women of the new earth, we're meant to bridge these realms. 🌏

▶ I've known precisely what to do for financial freedom, a thriving business, career success, and soulful relationships. I understood the energetic mechanics of manifestation from my E.T. channeling work. Yet, I still struggled with overwhelm, consistency, and sharing my own story. ✨

 Craving financial abundance, I've faced judgment in spiritual communities. 

▶ Being a deeply empathetic and sensitive woman, I've supported others while juggling work, relationships, family, and healing while not fully realizing my own co-dependency patterns. Meanwhile I've also felt guilty in the past around receiving unconditional love and support for myself (even from the universe). 🌍 ❤️ 🌌

▶ I've battled shame cycles and those stubborn patterns that felt impossible to break free from. It's been like an endless rollercoaster, leaving me stuck in a loop. 🎢 🔄

▶ I've forgotten to trust myself.

✴ But here's the cosmic kunda truth: You CAN break free and find stability deep within and you don't have to navigate this alone. You were never meant to. 👽


To attract more from the universe—money, relationships, opportunities—you must first prove to yourself that you can trust yourself and that you're committed to changing your life. 💗


I created the Cosmic Kundalini, fulfilling the support I needed during on the path of my own my spiritual, healing, business, cash flow, community seeking journey. 🌠🧘‍♀️🌟

IT'S TIME...for cosmic women like us who incarnated for the Aquarian Age to unite, build epic momentum, and rewire our limiting subconscious patterns. This will make you feel safe, grounded and confident with MORE: money, love, miracles & expansive experiences.


By applying the incredibly effective and ancient technology of Kundalini Yoga, we are here to supercharge this transformation of REMEMBERING YOUR POWER

I am very grateful and excited to do this work. Thank you for being a part of this journey. 👽

This course is closed for enrollment.

🦋 The Pre-Recorded Course Content 🦋

  Pre: Work ❤️ MANIFEST WITH MANTRA: 11 day challenge
Available in days
days after you enroll
  let's go! watch this :) 👽✨🛸💜
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Breath of Fire is Lit 🔥
Available in days
days after you enroll
  module 1: kundalini & the chakras
Available in days
days after you enroll
  1st Sutra of The New Earth: oversouls, unity consciousness, meditation + more
Available in days
days after you enroll
  module 2: mantra
Available in days
days after you enroll
  2nd Sutra of The New Earth: ufos, exploring energy blocks, anxiety + more!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  module 3: pranayama
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3rd Sutra of The New Earth: quantum inner child healing + inspired action
Available in days
days after you enroll
  module 4: mudra
Available in days
days after you enroll
  the 4th sutra of The New Earth: refining the mind + compassionate inquiry
Available in days
days after you enroll
  module 5: meditation + the mind
Available in days
days after you enroll
  the 5th sutra of The New Earth
Available in days
days after you enroll
  kundalini yoga classes + meditations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  cosmic kundalini workshops
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll


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