in this class you will meet and communicate with your ET guide and integrate a cosmic remembrance of your innate connection to ALL THAT IS.



You are wise

You are intuitive

You are connected to the cosmos

You are a child of the night sky

Your soul is the energy of the shooting star

Your imagination is sacred

You dream in the quantum realm

You are a star being

You came here for a divine purpose

Magic is real

Your soul is magic

You have many spirit guides

You are guided by the stars and kind, loving extra-terrestrials

You know who you are

You are a child of the galactics 

The Time Is Now

it is time to introduce the the inner starchild to meet your E.T Spirit Guide.

As children we are told to dismiss our intuition and imagination.

This is why so often when we are attempting to channel, connect with our guides, angels, whoever or whatever - we dismiss ourselves,we dismiss the feelings and imprints.

We label ourselves as crazy or just “making things up.”

There are aspects of ourselves saying our imagination isn’t real when in reality the imaginative states are connected to our higher energy centers, specifically the third eye and emotional energy body.

What if I told you your imagination and intuition are not separate but they are dependent on one another?

Better yet, what if we got tell your inner child their imagination and source and the universe and all of creation are not that’s a quantum leap.

Example Curriculum

  Meet your E.T Spirit Guide
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