Click book now and get EXCITED about getting out of that stuck feeling + feeling momentum in your life again 👉 take this first step towards creating the reality you want.

My proven formula is SIMPLE:


heal your shit + vibrate higher + small aligned action steps


more money, more love, more opportunities, more creativity, more freedom, more flow state, more joy, more miracles, more clients, more energy, more confidence, more intuitive hits...

YUM. 😋

Here's the scoop on craving MORE and embracing change in your life: it often stirs up entrenched limiting beliefs that seem incredibly stubborn, doesn't it?

When you're absolutely certain you want to:

✨ Launch that business (by the way, I'm deeply committed to guiding spiritual entrepreneurs in launching, shifting, ditching overwhelm, and attracting abundance)

💰 Elevate your financial abundance

💑 Manifest a soulmate connection sans the dating app hassles and time-wasting drama

🔄 Navigate a career pivot

👁 Master the art of self-trust and daily intuition

👩🏻‍💻 get in a steady groove of attracting aligned clients into your work

🌟 Craft the life you genuinely desire... WHATEVER THAT MAY BE FOR YOU...

You might repeatedly find yourself colliding with an invisible barrier, unsure of the next steps and not witnessing substantial changes despite putting in all the external hard work. Because forcing and burning out isn't the way, and if you're here, it's because you realize you need a new approach.

It's high time to unravel the entrenched energetic barriers that have you stuck in a loop of old patterns.

This is where my Starseed Akasha Sessions come in

These are 80 min sessions, where: 

1️⃣ I'll channel messages from your own higher self, divine inner child & ET guides.

I draw upon my 16 years of expertise in:
🦋 quantum inner child work
🔮 channeling E.Ts
🧠 emotional energy patterns
🧘🏼‍♀️ Kundalini meditation

.. to free your mind & body from limiting patterns so we can clearly define YOUR soul’s next steps towards your desired goal.

This is a one of a kind deep dive exploring and shifting the layers of your subconscious patterning, limiting beliefs & energetic blocks that keep you feeling stuck and keep your dreams feeling juuuuuuuust out of reach...


2️⃣ I translate your channeled messages 👉 into a 3D plan of action for you to take to achieve your goals. 

Because.. spiritual readings are great, but they’re only LIFE CHANGING if you *act* upon the guidance you receive 😉 !!!

You’ll walk away with:

🎥 A recording of your session
+ 📲 a next day on whatsapp with me to go over your action plan so that you know exactly what steps to take next to create results.


By participating in this session you change your vibrational set point and begin vibrating higher immediately.

This powerful vibration shift aids in:

👁 feeling clear about your desires
🦋 manifesting these desires
🧘‍♀️ releasing painful limiting beliefs
🌀 increased 'aha moments' & synchronicities
✨ calling in miracles & money
🦋 a deep release of pent up emotional energy
🛸 creating space for more of what you desire and want in your life
These sessions are strategically designed for you to:


👁 Recognize + Heal Patterns: Do you find repetitive cycles in your relationships, finances, self-sabotage, or career? If you're here, you are ready for a cosmic perspective to shift these patterns and create a new reality. PERIOD. 💅🏻

👁 Get Unstuck: For real and for good. The key is in mastering your energy system and reprogramming your subconscious, steering away from overworking the logical mind, burn out + hustle. Let's fucking do it then.

👁 Embrace Ease and Receive: Is your manifestation journey feeling like an emotional roller coaster? You CAN experience 'ease + receive' manifestation mode without falling into shame, freeze + a frazzled nervous system.

👁 Navigate Transition: Amidst a period of change? Whether it's a best friend breakup, romantic heartbreak, pregnancy, moving, starting a business 👉 Let us tap into your cosmic support, look at what is happening in your energy field and get you to deeply trust your path and align with your highest available timeline.

👁 Empower Your Biz Journey: As a spiritual entrepreneur lost in the online biz strategy maze, you MUST seek an energetic and emotional release to regulate and take aligned action in your work. In our time together you will receive action steps to stabilize your business and move it forward, leaving you confident, supported, and excited to keep creating!

Starseed Session Booking Calendar

  Upon purchase you get calendar access to book you session :)
Available in days
days after you enroll
How long will I have to wait for our 1:1?

  My calendar tends to fill up rapidly, so I recommend booking as soon as possible to secure your spot. As of November 29th, 2023, you can book your session and expect to have your 1:1 within 4-6 weeks. While this timeframe can vary, the typical wait is 2-4 weeks. BUT DON'T WORRY, YOU GET AN IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT VIA EMAIL SO JUMP START YOUR VIBRATION & SEE RESULTS RIGHT AWAY!

Does my purchase expire?

  Your session is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase. To ensure you secure your preferred slot, I advise booking promptly.
Here is what you can expect when you click purchase:

1️⃣ Immediate Transformation Kickstart:

  • Dive in right away with an email from me. Inside, you'll find a Kundalini meditation and an auric field preparation video, walking you through an 11-minute guided process. This initiates your shift instantly, creating ripples of inner and outer change. It's not uncommon for clients to email me, astonished by the energy shift even before our 1:1 session kicks off!
  • You'll also receive all the practical details: booking confirmation, Zoom link, and a prep checklist.

2️⃣ Pre-Session Preparation:

  • 24 hours before our scheduled session, expect a reminder along with specific prompts for journaling or pondering. These prompts are designed to further prepare you for our transformative work together by bridging your finite and infinite mind.

3️⃣ In-Depth 1:1 Session:

  • Our session is a deep dive into channeling messages from your soul, inner child, and ET guides. Drawing on my 16 years of expertise in channeling, kundalini yoga, emotional energy patterns, and quantum inner child work, I pinpoint where you're stuck in the energy field. Together, we'll clarify the necessary steps for unblocking and moving forward toward your desires. It's a personalized journey to cultivate healing and set you on a path of powerful co-creation with the cosmos. Expect this time together to be interactive, conversational and emotional.

4️⃣ Post-Session Follow-Up on WhatsApp:

  • You'll enjoy a follow-up day on WhatsApp, an easy chat platform right on your phone. Detailed instructions will follow our session, allowing you to ask any questions and receive a step-by-step action plan. This post-session WhatsApp coaching day ensures that what we achieved together can be integrated into your life for tangible results.

5️⃣ Exclusive Access to "The Quantum Inner Child" Program:

  • As a bonus, you gain access to my signature program. This resource breaks down the energy work I did in our session and guides you through the process. Whenever you feel stuck, triggered, or simply want to delve deep into the healing work, this program empowers you to supercharge your manifestation powers independently. It's your toolkit for continued growth and transformation.

What we can cover in a Starseed Akasha Session:

Sick of reading long ass paragraphs and just want to feel out my vibe?

*you speak my language lol*

let's chat!

Are you prepared to take this quantum leap, finally untangle the patterns of the past, and step confidently into your creative power NOW?

You don't have to remain stuck in old, stagnant patterns, a distance away from the life you dream of living...

The power to embody different + manifest different is within your grasp, truly.

I promise you, the journey to manifesting your deepest desires doesn't have to be overwhelming, draining, or complex.

Picture this: a leap of FAITH that proves to yourself + the universe that you are READY to transcend timelines.

You are CLAIMING your birthright to create a reality filled to the brim with joy, abundance, flow, and ease—it's yours for the taking.

All it requires is your commitment to re-arranging patterns and the aligned action that follows.

Hop into this opportunity to redefine your reality with myself, your divine inner child + your galactic guides by your side.

Hi :) I'm Kir

If you're searching for a fluffy reading and wanting flaky future predictions, then I may not be the right fit for you.

I pride myself on possessing a specific energetic skill set that involves pinpointing your current position on your vibrational timeline and identifying the key "block" that needs releasing to shift your timeline towards the one containing more of what you desire.

My approach is grounded in 35.5 years of life experience as a psychic, 16 years of E.T. channeling, 8 years of quantum inner child mentorship, and a deep dive into the world of teaching Kundalini yoga over the last 15 years.

A session with me is a commitment to the profound inner work that I believe YOU, Starseed, are meant to undertake within themselves.

I love seeing YOU transform your life from the inside out with this work we do together.

Let's do it!


What days can I book once I purchase?

  My 1:1 sessions are available on TUESDAY AND THURSDAY from 11 am to 7 pm Eastern Time. Additionally, I offer one weekend a month by request.

How long will I have to wait for our 1:1?

  My calendar tends to fill up rapidly, so I recommend booking as soon as possible to secure your spot. As of November 22nd, 2023, you can book your session and expect to have your 1:1 within 2 weeks. While this timeframe can vary, the typical wait is 2-3 weeks.

Does my purchase expire?

  Your session is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase. To ensure you secure your preferred slot, I advise booking promptly.

Can you guarantee I manifest what I want?

  No guarantees here. The power to manifest lies within you. I provide insights and tools, but the commitment to taking responsibility for your own projections and co-creative power is crucial. If you embrace this as an opportunity to delve deeper than ever before and make necessary changes, I can indeed guarantee a shift in your physical reality.

Is your work trauma-informed?

  Yes, in the sense that I am well-informed about trauma from both personal experience and years in therapy. However, I am not here to heal your trauma—that's your journey. My role is to offer a method and perspective to help release painful patterns. While therapists who are my clients find my work complementary to traditional therapy, I am not a replacement for therapy or mental health professionals.

Can I purchase more than 1 session?

No. After our 1:1 and follow-up coaching day, you will be offered discounted follow-up sessions and packages IF I believe we are a good fit and that my mentorship can help you achieve your goals long term.

Do you use cards or any divination tools in your sessions? Do you look up my birth chart or human design?

No. I rely on my channeling alone to do what we need to do. This is no offense to any modalities; there is a need for everyone's unique skills. I prefer to close my eyes and “go in.” That’s it.

Do you share information about past lives and E.T guides?

Yes, if it is applicable to the current block in your energy field. If it comes through, I share it because it’s necessary. But I do not force information. I go into my sessions knowing the goal is to get to the root of what’s keeping you stuck and shift to get what you want. That being said, you are welcome to ask anything you want, and I will share anything that comes in...which is usually a lot ;)

May I ask questions?

Yes, all questions are welcome. Nothing is off limits.

Do you still have questions?

I'm happy to chat!

email me: [email protected]

dm me on instagram @xokirgrace