COSMIC BIZ is a transformational vortex designed for the sensitive, magical woman ready to birth & grow her online spiritual business!

Join Cosmic Biz Today and get ready to take your next step towards creating a high vibe, cash flowing online biz over the next 12 months 💸 💃🏼

You want to make money selling your own spiritual offers online, yes?! 🤑

Let's chat, my sweet friend – as highly sensitives, we need simple 3D action and strategy alongside foundational energetics, nervous system regulation and inner child healing to materialize our spiritual online biz dreams 💸 💻 👯

Are you ready to create momentum in your business and take aligned action toward your dreams? 🌟✨

With personalized business guidance and beginner focused programs, you'll be making your dreams a reality!!!


⚪️ Monthly Personal Feedback: Tailored guidance to help you grow your business.

⚪️ Group Hot Seat Coaching: Direct support to tackle your unique challenges.

⚪️ Q&A Sessions: Get answers to all your biz questions along the way.

⚪️ Private Starseed Biz Strategy Podcast: Exclusive insights, strategies & audio training series just for members.

⚪️ Members-Only Curated Classes: Specialized classes designed to enhance your skills and biz building experience

⚪️ Unlimited Access to All Upcoming Business Programs: Never miss out on new opportunities! 🤩

⚪️ Peer-to-Peer Community: Connect with fellow sensitive, starseed vibe biz owners paving the way for their dreams in the online space.

As a highly sensitive, intuitive woman navigating the online biz space, it can feel overwhelming as fuck and even though you so deeply desire:

 💸 to joyously receive money through your online business

💖 soulmate clients & customers  dming you asking about your services

🔄 Repeat sales without ALWAYS actively selling aka sloth, passive sales coming in through the foundations you've set up and the reputation you're buildling

🔥 A hot audience clicking the links & hitting your "buy now" buttons soooooo excited to work with you

🌟 A growing online reputation as a leader, teacher, guide who tells her truth, shows up confidently while having fun, making money and staying true to her soul work

And yet you find yourself feeling stuck in your own loops:

❓ Not knowing where to start

🧠 overthinking your 1️⃣ next step

🌀 Imitating other healers and coaches content who aren’t YOU (so it doesn't feel good or get you what you want)

😞 Comparing yourself to other's achievements who aren't spicy brained, highly sensitive and intuitive

📚 Consuming 7680 business strategy podcast episodes a day so you can get it "right" and show up "perfectly" and just hide 🫣

😩 Feeling burnt out trying to keep up with the fast-paced biz world and feeling discouraged at the big numbers everyone is flashing all the time

😓 Feeling like you are never doing enough and never doing it right so your creativity and joy for your work get zapped before you even begin.....

For the women like me who are intuitive as fuck, sensitive, spicy brained and fucking ready to make moves towards creating your dream online business!

A preview of upcoming offer topics in the next 12 months:

  • 🤩 How to Create, Market & start selling your own signature workshop 
  • 🚀 Birthing YOUR business vortex from scratch: setting up your online biz foundations with a lead magnet, email list & content creation
  • Kundalini yoga for creativity, channeling + cash flow
  • 🌈 Quantum leaps for highly sensitive nervous systems
  • ⚡️ Start Your Fucking Podcast Now 
  • 💸 Heal the shit keeping you from selling your shit (freeze mode, imposter syndrome, rejection wounds, comparison scrolling, fear of trolls, rejection and getting cancelled 😳 etc.)
  • 📲 Instagram Universe: the energetic algorithm of instagram & all things instagram because I love instagram and guess what, it’s not going anywhere!!! So, let's make using it for our biz SO MUCH FUCKING FUN!
  • Content creation that fucking converts & feels exciting to create and share god damnit!!! Yaaas!

BASICALLY, this is a beginner biz hub for us magical, sensitive girlies uninterested in googling alone in bed how the fuck to do this...just sign up and get the support and accountability you desire alreadyyy, okay?! ;)

This bundle is not available for purchase.